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CT Scans

CT Scanning providing accurate diagnosis
The latest CT Scanning technology and equipment

CT Scans

Interconnect Imaging is proud to offer our patients the latest advances in CT Imaging ensuring valuable clinical insights every time. We accomodate a wide variety of patient exams, providing high quality care and comfort, with low-dose technology.

What is a CT Scan?

CT scans  provide detailed images of the body's internal structures, allowing healthcare professionals to diagnose and monitor various medical conditions. Benefits include:

Accurate diagnosis:
CT scans provide highly detailed cross-sectional images, giving doctors a more accurate view of internal organs, bones, and tissues. This allows for more precise diagnosis of conditions such as tumors, fractures, infections, and internal bleeding.


Quick and painless:

CT scans are non-invasive and usually take only a few minutes to complete. Unlike some other diagnostic procedures, such as exploratory surgeries, CT scans do not require any incisions or anesthesia.

Early detection:

CT scans can help identify potential health issues at an early stage when they may be more treatable. Early detection can lead to successful treatment and improved outcomes for patients.

Surgical planning:

Before performing complex surgeries, CT scans can provide surgeons with detailed information about the patient's anatomy. This helps in planning the procedure, locating tumors or abnormal structures, and minimizing risks during surgery.

Reduced radiation exposure:

Modern CT scanners are designed to minimize radiation exposure. The benefits of the scan are often considered to outweigh the small potential risk of radiation exposure.

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